Purple Sea Moss – Everything You Need To Know

Purple sea moss guide

If you’ve been searching for information about Purple Sea Moss, then you are in the right place! In this article, you will learn about its health benefits, how it’s different from gold sea moss, and how to prepare it.

If you are looking to buy purple sea moss, I recently bought mine from Red’s Kitchen Sink on Amazon. Their purple sea moss is wildcrafted and was delivered to me within one day.

Purple Sea Moss, also known as Jamaican Purple Sea Moss, is a type of seaweed that grows on top of rocks in the sea. It is primarily found in the Caribbean Sea on the coast of Jamaica, but it is also harvested in Vietnam and Thailand.

Purple sea moss in hand
Purple Sea Moss Up Close

10 Benefits Of Purple Sea Moss

Popularly believed to contain 92 minerals – Minerals like selenium, potassium, magnesium, and many more are found in sea moss.

Improves your immune system – If you find yourself getting sick a lot, you may need a boost to your immune system. The anti-viral properties in sea moss help to fight off common colds and other viruses.

Promotes Healthy Digestion – Constipated or having digestive issues? The jelly-like consistency of sea moss provides relief to the inflamed mucous membrane by coating the intestinal walls.

Healthy Skin – Skin issues like dermatitis, eczema, and sunburns can be treated by applying sea moss topically to the affected areas.

Better Muscle Recovery – When your body loses minerals during high-intensity activity, sea moss helps to replace them. It provides relief to sore muscles and joint pain.

Heart Health – Known to support blood flow and improve oxygen that is delivered to your tissues.

Hair Growth – Being rich in vitamin E improves hair growth by fighting against oxidative stress, which is one of the reasons for hair loss.

More Energy – The iron content in sea moss helps on the quick transportation of oxygen to the blood cells.

Suppresses Appetite – Due to its high concentration of minerals, nutrients, and jelly-like consistency, sea moss acts as an appetite suppressant. It soothes inflammation in the intestines and removes toxins.

Treat Thyroid Disorder – Iodine helps aid in the production of the thyroid hormone.

Purple Sea Moss vs Gold Sea Moss – What’s The Difference?

1. Contains Anthocyanin

Anthocyanin is a flavonoid that gives plants their rich color and protects them from sunlight damage, cold temperatures, and other stressors. This is also what gives the purple sea moss its color. It is also found in other fruits like blueberries and goji berries.

The health benefits of Anthocyanin in Purple Sea Moss are:

  • Delays cellular aging
  • Fights against free radicals
  • Improves vision
  • Boosts cognitive function
  • Fights obesity
  • Prevents blood clotting
  • Reduces high cholesterol
  • Promotes heart health

2. Higher in Sulfur

Sulfur is a mineral that helps maintain the integrity of the body tissues and is involve with the making and repairing of DNA.

Health benefits of sulfur in Purple Sea Moss are:

  • Improvements in brain function
  • Protects against Type 2 Diabetes
  • Prevents heart disease
  • Prevents cancer

3. Higher in Iodine

Iodine is a mineral that is found in seafood. Your thyroid gland uses it to make thyroid hormones. When your thyroid gland produces hormones it helps to control growth and repair damaged cells. If you have an iodine deficiency, consuming purple sea moss on a daily basis may help to increase your levels.

Health benefits of Iodine in Purple Sea Moss

  • Promotes thyroid health
  • Reduces enlarged thyroid gland
  • Neurodevelopment during pregnancy
  • Improve cognitive function
  • May help treat fibrocystic breast disease

4. Stronger Smell and Taste

If you’ve never smelled sea moss before it smells like the sea. Some people can’t stand the smell of it, while others aren’t bothered by it. Purple sea moss is said to have a stronger sea smell and taste than the gold sea moss.

One of the ways to cut back on the sea smell and taste is to add lime and cinnamon to the water while the sea moss is soaking. Not only does this help clean your sea moss, but it can also help mask the smell and taste of the sea.

5. Different Texture

Purple Sea Moss gel has a thicker and solid consistency than gold sea moss gel. As you can see in the video below, the Gold Sea Moss gel has a jelly-like consistency. It’s creamier and easier to scoop out. However, the Purple gel is thicker and has more of a chunkier appearance when scooped out on a spoon.

The difference between the texture of Purple and Gold Sea Moss

How To Make Purple Sea Moss Gel

Making your sea moss into a gel is an easy way to consume it on a daily basis. The good news is, it isn’t hard to make. The bad news is, it may take a couple of times to get it right.

Prepping your dried sea moss is what takes the longest. Unfortunately, you have to let it soak for at least 4 hours. However, the longer it soaks, the easier it is to blend.

One of the ways to consume purple sea moss gel is in your smoothie. You can add about 2 tablespoons of gel to your smoothie every morning to start the day with an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, you can also use it on your face as a mask or put it on your skin to help with certain skin issues.

The video below shows how easy it is to make dried purple sea moss into a gel. I’ve also included the recipe below if you want to save it for later.

How To Make Purple Sea Moss Gel

How To Make Purple Sea Moss Gel

Step By Step Instructions On Making Purple Sea Moss Gel


  • Blender
  • Bowl
  • Glass Jar


  • 4 Oz Dried Purple Sea Moss


  • Soak your dried purple sea moss in spring or distilled water for 4 -8 hours in refrigerator or counter top
  • After soaking, rinse it about 3 times. If you have a sensitivity to the smell of the sea, you should rinse it more. You can also add lemon or limes to the water and let it soak for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Boil about 7 – 8 cups of water.
  • After the water comes to a boil, remove it from the heat.
  • Add soaked and rinse purple sea moss to the pot of water. Put a lid on it and let it steep at for about 30 – 45 minutes.
  • Strain the water off the sea moss into another container. DO NOT throw your sea moss soaking water away. You will need it for later.
  • Put freshly soaked and rinsed sea moss into blender and add about 4-5 cups of the water you soaked your sea moss in. Blend it into is is a smooth consistency.
  • Pour sea moss into a container and place it uncovered in the refrigerator overnight.
  • The next morning, you will have you purple sea moss gel.

How To Make Purple Sea Moss Liquid

Surprisingly, you don’t hear too many people talk about making sea moss into a liquid. Until recently, I had never heard of this method either, but I think it’s a great way to utilize and prolong your sea moss. If you use sea moss on a daily basis, then this method is for you.

Pretty much, you are adding a lot of water to your sea moss when you blend it. And instead of making it into a gel, you keep it in liquid form.

The video below shows how to take freshly washed and soaked purple sea moss and make it into a drink you can store in the refrigerator for up to four weeks. The recipe is included below.

Purple sea moss in hand

Purple Sea Moss Liquid

Instead of making your sea moss into a gel, make it into a liquid.
Course Drinks


  • Blender
  • 2 gallon water container with spout


  • 4 oz Purple Sea Moss Freshly washed and soaked
  • 2 Gallons Water Distilled or Spring Water


  • Add one gallon of water to a two gallon container that will store you will be storing your sea moss in.
  • Pre heat one gallon of water and set it to the side.
  • Add freshly washed and soaked purple sea moss to blender
  • Add the one gallon of preheated water to the blender.
  • Blend sea moss and water together.
  • Add blended sea moss and water to the two gallon container.
  • Add remaining pre-heated water to the two-gallon container.
  • Use a spoon to mix everything together in the two-gallon container.
  • Store uncovered in the refridgerato for up to 4 weeks.
Keyword jamaican purple sea moss, purple sea moss, purple sea moss drink

Deciding on which sea moss to take really depends on your health goals. For example, I am on a journey to mental clarity and more energy. So taking purple sea moss works for me since it has more iron and sulfur in it. However, I’m not going to stop taking the gold sea moss. I believe my body can benefit from taking both of them. My plan is to take one at night and one in the morning to keep it consistent.

What sea moss will you take? If you have any questions, let me know in the comments below!

Purple Sea Moss - Everything you need to know