10 Simple And Easy Water Fasting Tips For Beginners


Are you thinking about doing a water fast and looking for tips on how to make sure you complete it?

Well, in this article I will give you 10 simple and easy tips to assist you in completing your water fast. 

I started water fasting about a year ago and it has been the best experience ever. I have learned so much about myself and the strength that I possess. 

I started water fasting because I wanted to lose weight and gain mental clarity. After the birth of my daughter, it seemed that the weight was not falling off fast enough. I also felt like I had brain fog and could not focus and think clearly.

The first fast I completed was a water fast. And to be honest, it wasn’t that bad.

I mean, how hard can it be to last 3 days without food? Check out my video below to see my first water fast experience.

Fast forward a year and a half later, water fasting is something that I do very often. I have even started dry fasting too.

I believe that fasting is one of the best ways to clean and heal your body and I know that it will make a difference.  

So here are 10 simple tips to help you get through your first water fast.

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I write in my journal every time I fast. I believe it is the best way to document your feelings and growth as you embark on your fasting journey.

Your journal does not have to be fancy. If needed, you can staple papers together. What goes into your journal is what really counts. I always start my journal off with my weight and the mood I am in. It feels good to be able to look back at my fasts of the pasts and see my growth.

2. Weigh Yourself Before You Start Your Water Fast

If you are fasting for weight loss, make sure to record your weight before you fast. A lot of people discourage recording your weight, but I believe that it is good to document everything.

When it comes to losing weight, everyone is different. So you have to be sure not to compare your weight loss with other people’s weight loss. Just keep it for your personal records.

Later in your journey you may want to share your weight loss numbers, which will be a great inspiration to others.

3. Take Before And After Pics

Taking before and after pics is very important, especially if you are going on a weight loss journey.

When I saw the pictures of my stomach after I water fasted for three days, I was shocked. My stomach was slimmer and it had literally disappeared.

So I believe that it is very important to take pictures so that you can see your growth and your progress. Also if you ever feel comfortable down the road you can share your pictures to inspire others.

Check out the video below on how to take good before and after pics!

4. Do Not Tell Everyone That You Are On A Water Fast

If this is your first time fasting, you may want to keep it to yourself.

The first time I fasted I told everyone!

I received a lot of crazy looks and questions on why I was starving myself. If you are not in the state of mind to deal with a lot of curiosity, you may want to refrain from telling people what you are doing.

5. Join A Fasting Support Group

If you refrain from telling people that you are fasting, you may find yourself feeling lonely as you go through your fast.

During those times, it helps to have supportive people around you that are going through the same thing or can relate to what you are experiencing.

Joining a fasting support group will give you an outlet to post how you are feeling and also to draw inspiration from others who have completed fasts before.

Most fasting groups are advocates for judgment-free zones and try to provide a safe place for people to post questions, pictures, and inspirational messages.

6. Learn More About Fasting

Another water fasting tip is to become knowledgeable about fasting overall.

Reading books or articles on fasting, will give you a better understanding of what is happening to your body as you fast.

This will automatically give you a confidence boost and the determination to complete you fast.

Also, the more you learn about fasting, the easier it will be to inform others when they have questions or concerns about why you are fasting.

7. Start Your Water Fast At Night

The easiest way to jump start your water fast, is to start counting your hours from when you fall asleep.

When you sleep your body naturally goes into fasting mode. So to me, it makes sense to start your fast when you go to sleep. When you wake up the next morning, you will at least be about 6 hours into your fast.

8. Prep Your Food Before Breaking Your Fast

During your fast, you will start to daydream, and maybe nightdream, about the different foods you are going to eat when you break your fast.

One of the main reasons people gain their weight back after fasting is because they go back to eating and doing the same activities they were doing before they cleansed their bodies.

Planning out your meals and prepping them before you break your fast, will make it a lot easier on you and help you to ease back into eating correctly.

9. Buy Gallon Water Jugs Instead Of Water Bottles

It’s difficult for me to keep up with water bottles throughout the day. I normally end up taking a couple of sips out of one and leaving it somewhere.

So when I’m water fasting, I try to buy gallon water jugs instead of 16 oz. water bottles. It helps me keep track of how much water I am consuming throughout the day.

Ideally, I like to drink a gallon of water a day, but a half a gallon is good too.

10. Relax

Finally, the most important tip of all.

If you are able to do nothing during your water fast, then DO NOTHING. This is very important if this will be your first time doing a water fast. Give yourself the opportunity to really connect with your body during this time.

We tend to forget how much work we put on our bodies every day. We consume foods that aren’t good for us, drink drinks that are hurting us and we are constantly exposed to things we can’t see.

I believe by fasting, we give our systems the break that it needs to heal and relax.

So, these are the 10 tips that I would give someone who is starting a water fast.

What other tips do you have for new water fasters? Leave them in the comment box below!

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10 Simple and Easy water fasting tips for beginners