How to write a Virgo New Moon Vision Statement


The Virgo New Moon is your chance to shake things up and get your life on track!

This is a great time to set clear goals and develop new habits that will increase your productivity and help you grow.

Virgo’s energy is about organization and structure. It makes it easy to start new projects and routines, setting a strong foundation for a better future.

Why You Need a Vision Statement for Manifestation

Think of a vision statement as your personal map for reaching your dreams.

Knowing exactly what you want and why you deserve it can make things happen faster.

Writing your vision statement during the Virgo New Moon is powerful because it helps you set strong goals.

Creating Your Virgo Vision Statement

If you haven’t written a vision for your life yet, don’t worry—now’s the perfect time.

Use the Virgo New Moon to describe the habits and routines you desire in your dream life.

This helps ensure your daily actions match your dreams, setting you up for success.

Steps to Write a Virgo Vision Statement

List the habits or routines you must have to manifest your goal.

  • Think like someone who has already achieved your goals.
  • Picture their daily life: Do they get up early? Do they write in a journal? Do they network a lot?
  • Use these ideas to list the habits and routines that will help you on your journey.

Use your habit list to write your vision statement.

  • Include these habits in a description of your future self.
  • Be specific about how each habit helps you reach your goal.
  • Use clear and vivid language to make your vision statement exciting and real.

Example Vision Statement

If you want to lose 20 pounds, think about what someone who’s already done that might do:

  • Exercise 4 times a week.
  • Eat balanced meals.
  • Cut down on junk food.
  • Drink a gallon of water a day.
  • Eat with mindfulness.
  • Manage stress with self-care twice a week.

Vision Statement: “I live a happy, healthy life. I exercise four times a week, which keeps me strong and full of energy. I enjoy balanced meals that make me feel good, and I stay away from junk food. Drinking a gallon of water daily keeps me refreshed. I eat mindfully and stay in the moment. Plus, I take time twice a week for self-care to relax and stay calm.”

Remember, your vision statement should be personal and specific and can change over time. It helps you focus on the habits and routines needed for success.

Become your best self.

Create a vision statement showing your structure and routine, focusing on traits you want. Think about habits like:

  • Waking up early to start the day clear-headed.
  • Making time for self-care each week.
  • Saying daily affirmations.
  • Always learning new things.
  • Setting goals and making action plans.
  • Staying organized and managing your time well.
  • Exercising every morning to stay fit.

Vision Statement: “I am my best self, feeling confident daily. I wake up early, focus on self-care, keep learning, and reach my goals by managing my time effectively.”

Remember, your vision statement is a living thing—it grows as you do. You will have multiple vision statements that make up your overall vision story.

Integrating with Manifesting Techniques

After creating your vision statement, don’t forget to include your habits in your manifestation techniques.

For example, if you are using bay leaf manifestation, you could write and burn one of your habits on your bay leaf. Or, if you are doing the 777 manifestation method, you could use one of your habits as your intention.

Another example is creating a digital vision board with all your habits. This would be a visual representation of every habit you must have to manifest your desires.

Do you see how powerful that is and how that aligns with something you control?

Manifesting the life you want starts with designing who you need to be. Your habits and your routines are the foundation of it all.

As you work on your vision statement for this new moon, remember, “When you want something, all the universe works to help you get it.”

You just have to make sure you are clear about what you want and deserve.