777 Manifestation Technique: How To Use It

Manifestation Technique

The 777 manifestation technique is one of the most effective law of attraction techniques in which you can powerfully manifest any of your desires into your life. This technique involves writing an affirmation related to your desire seven times in the morning and seven times in the evening for seven days. 

In this technique, you focus your energy consistently on a specific thing that you want to manifest by writing down the affirmations seven times repeatedly. You energetically draw your focus and attention toward that thing and emit a powerful vibration that will help you manifest your desire into your reality. 

The 777 manifestation technique is similar to other law of attraction writing methods like the 1×11 manifestation method or 369 method. However, this method plays on the number combination 777 to attract your manifestation into your life.

In numerology, 777 has a lot of spiritual attachment to it. The video below does a great job explaining the direct relationship it has with manifesting.

How To Use The 777 Manifestation Technique To Manifest Anything

Using the 777 manifestation technique to manifest your desires is quite interesting, but you need to make sure that you are ready for it. An important thing you need to remember when using this technique is that you must be fully focused and attentive. 

Here’s how to do it:

Get Clear About What You Want

When using the 777 manifestation technique, the first step is to get clear about what you want.

It’s hard to manifest if you are not clear about what you want. Therefore you must take some time to clarify your desire. I struggled with this step when I first started manifesting. I tried to attract so much in my life that I had difficulty narrowing it down to one thing.

So get very specific about what you want. Instead of saying, “I want to be rich,” figure out what rich means to you. Is it having $100,000 in your bank account? Or is it having ten streams of passive income?

Break it down to the simplest form. The more specific you are, the better it will be for you to visualize what you want.

Create An Affirmation Statement

Once you have clarified your desire, the next step is to create an affirmation statement. An affirmation statement is written in the present tense as if you have already manifested what you want.

For example, if you seek to manifest ten streams of passive income. Your affirmation statement would look like this:

“I am so happy and blessed that I have ten streams of passive income, and I can travel and live life on my terms without working a 9 – 5.”

Remember, it doesn’t have to be in those exact words. The goal is to write it as though you already have it. The goal is to feel the emotions as your read your statement. This tremendously helps with your visualization.

Choose A Time To Write

The third step is to decide the best time for you to write. Since you will be writing in the morning and evening, try to find a time that you will not be interrupted or easily distracted.

However, it’s okay if you can’t find that perfect time. As a mom of a four-year-old, I understand. When I was doing my 1×11 writing exercise, I had to find random moments to do it. As long as you stay committed and determined, you can do it.

Start The Technique

As you start the 777 manifestation technique, one thing to remember is to stay focused on the result. When you write your affirmation statement, visualize yourself already having what you want.

Get into the habit of looking past what you want to manifest and more on what the outcome would look like. What would you be doing? How would your life be different than it is now?

Having limiting beliefs about your goals is a significant hindrance when manifesting. Also, try to avoid any negative thoughts. While writing your affirmation statement, wait until the negative thoughts have passed before continuing if you sense any doubt.

Let Go

The last step is to let go and trust that you will receive what you are manifesting. Letting go is the easiest step, yet many people have trouble with it. Constantly worrying about when you will receive your blessings creates doubt in your mind. When you have doubt, that lowers your vibration and signals to the universe that you don’t believe it will work.


Affirmations have their unique power to create the life you truly want, so therefore using this technique will help you generate a new frequency of your desire. And as you write the affirmation seven times, so, at the same time, you also visualize your desire in your mind to build a strong connection between you and your desire.

On the other hand, according to many theories, there is a great significance of numbers in our life. Each number has its unique vibration and frequency, and so in this technique, the number 7 is suitable for manifestation because it represents a single week, including seven days. Therefore writing affirmations seven times for seven days helps you focus on your desire consistently and for a more extended period.Â