Water Manifestation – 3 Manifesting Secrets With Water

Water Manifestation

Water manifestation is the process of using water to manifest your dream life. The video below reveals 3 law of attraction secrets to manifest with water.

The following techniques are simple, easy to follow and you can start implementing them today.

If you don’t have time to watch the video, please check out the video notes below.

1. Swim in your intentions

person s feet

Whenever you go swimming in the lake or ocean, put your intentions and affirmations into the water as you swim.

Think and visualize everything you want to manifest in your life.

See yourself receiving your blessings and believe that your intentions are being received by the water.

2. Shower In Your Intentions

black shower head switched on

The main goal of water manifestation is to use water to manifest your wishes and dreams.

Using the water that you shower in every morning is a great way to get your intentions out to the universe. Being that we shower every day, shower manifestation is an easy way to utilize water to manifest.

As water is coming out of the shower, infuse yourself with your with your affirmations and intentions.

Repeat your intentions and visualize the water showering you with the blessings you want to manifest into your life.

Drink Your Intentions

woman drinking water

Take a glass of spring water and put your intentions and affirmations into the water before drinking it.

Visualize your intentions entering into the water.

When drinking the water, focus on how good it feels to drink in your intentions. Gladly accept your intentions and affirmations as the water moves throughout your body.

Using water while manifesting is a good way to motivate yourself to drink more water throughout the day.

The Science Behind Water Manifestation

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese water researcher, studied the impact thoughts and intentions have in relation to water. He specifically studied how water transformed when it was exposed to human words and thoughts.

In the video below, Dr. Emoto shows how positive affirmations and gratitudes can change the properties of water and transformed it.