Two Easy Ways To Script To Manifest Your Desires

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One of the great things about scripting manifestation is that there are so many different ways to script. Yesterday, I went live in the Facebook Group to discuss two of the easiest ways to start scripting.

So I wanted to summarize it here in a post to explain it and add more explanation about the techniques.

I hope that by demonstrating these two ways to script, you can get started on your journey and start to implement scripting into your daily lives.

I recommend writing these two techniques on paper to help you get used to scripting. And then, once you feel comfortable and find out which styles you prefer, you can take it to the next level and make a habit of scripting your manifestation and writing in your journal.

So, let’s jump into these techniques!

Writing A Gratitude Letter

The first scripting technique is as if you are writing a letter to someone expressing how grateful you are that you have received your manifestation. This is a great way to write down your thoughts and feelings around the manifestation that you have asked for.

When writing the letter, be detailed and specific about what you are expressing gratitude for. Include why you are happy you received this manifestation and what you will do now since you have it.

It’s also important to include how you feel, whether excited, grateful, overjoyed, or any other emotions you want to express. This helps tap into your manifestation’s emotional energy and gives you a powerful visualization tool.

The more detailed and passionate you are about how grateful you are for your manifestation, the more powerful the scripting will be.

Who to address the letter to?

You can address your letter to anyone you want to express gratitude. It could be God, The Universe, your Higher Self, or even someone you know.

Whoever you choose, make sure it makes you feel good writing them about what you have manifested into your life. I gave an example on Facebook Live yesterday about how I would choose to script a letter to my grandfather. He has passed on, but addressing the letter to him to tell him about all the things I have accomplished and am grateful for helps me tap into an emotional state that is incredibly powerful.

So whoever you choose, make sure it makes you feel good writing them about what you have manifested into your life.

Example of a scripting gratitude letter:

Here are some scripting examples with prompts to help you walk through the process.

You don’t have to answer these questions before you start to script, but I believe it’s good to reflect on these questions to get into the right headspace before you start to script for the first time. Once you get the hang of scripting, you can skip this step.

  1. What are you manifesting?
  2. Why do you want it?
  3. How will it make you feel to get it?

Here’s an example of how to use the questions before you start to script.

  1. What are you manifesting? A new promotion
  2. Why do you want it? I want it because I know this promotion will help me take my career to the next level and grow professionally.
  3. How will it make you feel to get it? Getting this promotion would make me feel accomplished and validated because I have worked hard to get here.

The letter below is how you could use the question above to script your letter.

Dear Universe,

Thank you so much for everything you have provided to me and continue to provide me! I am so grateful that I finally received my promotion yesterday!!!! I can finally move up and start taking my career to the next level and get the chance to grow professionally. This promotion has given me so much confidence and the boost to really put my all into learning more about my industry.

I feel sooooo excited and validated for all the hard work I have put in to get here. I am thankful that I can now pursue the path and goals I have set for myself.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this opportunity!

Let’s look at another example for a different manifestation.

What are you manifesting? A new car

Why do you want it? I want reliable transportation to last a long time and make my life easier.

How will it make you feel to get it? Having this car would make me feel secure and blessed to be able to have a good car. It would also give me the freedom of not having to worry about getting around and make my life a lot easier.

Example Number two

Dear God,

Thank you for always giving me what I need and providing the opportunities I need. I am so grateful you brought me this amazing gift of a car! Now, I can be sure to get around safely and with ease.

I am so blessed to have this new car; it brings me peace of mind knowing I won’t have to worry about my transportation. This car will help me to do the activities I love and make my daily life stress-free!

I am so thankful for this manifestation and can’t express my gratitude for you blessing me with this car.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Writing a “Day In The Life” Script

The second scripting technique I recommend is to write a “Day In The Life” script. Think of it as a daily journal entry that you are writing about your day.

However, you are writing from the perspective of you already having what you are manifesting.

For example, let’s say you’re manifesting a peaceful relationship with your husband. On your day in the life script, you would describe how wonderful it feels to be in a relationship with him and how happy you are to have him.

So you are scripting what it would feel like if you already had your manifestation.

Think about what you would do if you had that peaceful relationship. Where would you go? How would you feel? What would your conversations be like? Write all the details in your daily script.

Doing this daily will help to reinforce the feeling of having your manifestation and attract it into your life.

Examples of a daily script

What are you manifesting? $20,000

Why do you want it? To pay off my student loans

How will it make you feel to get it? Relieved and free

Day In The Life Example Number One

I can’t believe I have $20,000 in my account right now! It feels so good to know I can finally pay off my student loans and be free from this burden. The feeling of relief is indescribable.

I can now take the money I’ve saved and invest it in other things that’ll bring me joy, without worrying about paying off my debt. I’m so grateful for this financial freedom and can’t wait to see what else I can do now that this burden has been lifted!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this opportunity!

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Do you see how this daily script emotionally connects to having the $20,000? Writing this every day will help you to have a more detailed vision of what your life will be like once you have the money.

That is the goal of scripting. Getting you to envision and live as if you already have your manifestation.

Here’s one last example of someone manifesting a pregnancy.

Day In The Life Example Number Two

Oh my goodness, I just heard my baby’s heartbeat today! It brought tears to my eyes to hear the sound of her heartbeat. I cannot wait to finally meet her and watch her grow into the amazing person she is meant to be! We have already started to decorate her room. Yesterday we put up the crib, and I’m so excited to have a nursery finally. I’m still trying to decide what color I want to paint the room. We are supposed to look at the paint tomorrow. I hope that I will see something that I like!

I’m so filled with joy and gratitude for this blessing. I cannot express how blessed I feel to finally start a family and give my child the life they deserve.

Thank you for this blessing.

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As you can see from the script above, her script allows her to emotionally connect to her manifestation. It affirms in her subconscious mind that she is already living in the reality of her manifestation.

Another cool thing about her script is that it lets her pick up where she left off today and gives her a starting point for tomorrow.

She could start her entry tomorrow, talking about her experience looking for paint for the nursery and detailing what type of paint she chose.

I hope these examples of different scripts give you a good idea of how to write your own. Remember, the goal is to emotionally connect with your manifestation and give yourself a detailed vision of what life will be like once you have it.

Action Step For Today:

Try taking a small thing you are manifesting and writing a daily script for it. Focus on the emotions that you will feel once you have them and how your life will be different. Use the day in the life scripting or letter method and see which one feels best for you.

Remember to have fun with it! This scripting journey is about connecting with your manifestation and bringing it closer to you!

So get creative and have fun writing!