Train Your Brain To Attract More Money


I am so happy and blessed that it is possible to train your brain to make more money.

Unfortunately, many people are not exposed to the positive aspects of having an abundance of money.

Many people are raised to believe they have to work a 9 – 5 until retirement age and only make a set amount of money.

If you find yourself thinking this way, it is important to retrain your brain as soon as possible.

In the video below, John Assaraf, a Leading Mindset & Performance Expert, explains the steps you need to take to train your brain to attract more money.

If you do not have time to watch the video, I have summarized it below.

Steps To Train Your Brain To Make More Money

1. Gain Clarity On How Much Money You Want To Make

Know how much money you want to make
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In order to achieve your money goals, you have to have clarity on how much you want to make.

Unfortunately, as simple as that may seem, many people do not know what number that is.

There is no way you can take action to create the life you desire if you don’t have a clue on what you want.

For example, if you want to make a certain amount of money every year, get very specific on the exact amount of money you want to make.

Don’t just say you want to make a lot of money.

Instead, write down specifically how much money that is.

Write down how much money you want to make
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Is it $100,000 a year or is it $200,000/year? Whatever it is, you need to be very specific on the exact number.

Here is what you should do.

Take the opportunity right now and choose the exact number amount you want to make this year.

Write it down.

Then divide that number by 12 to know the exact number you want to make every month.

Then take that number and divide by four to know the exact amount of money you want to make every week.

Lastly, take that number and divide by seven to get the amount of money you want to make every day.

Specifically knowing how much money you want to attract is a good way to train your brain to focus on making that amount of money.

Also by knowing the exact amount of money you want to make, makes it easier to manifest money when doing money manifestation rituals.

For example, when I burned a bay leaf to manifest money, I wrote down the exact amount I wanted to attract on the bay leaf.

This helped to focus my mind and create the belief that I could attract that specific amount of money into my life.

2. Create A Simple Money Affirmation

If you want to attract more money into your life, creating a money affirmation is very important.

An example of an money affirmation is this:

“I am so happy and grateful for the fact that I am now earning (insert the SPECIFIC amount of money that you want to earn).

So if you want to earn $10,000 per week, you could write down the following:

“I am so happy and grateful for the fact that I am now earning $10,000 per week.”

Having a dedicated journal to write down your affirmations is very helpful.

You can write your affirmations down on a piece of paper, but having a journal helps keep everything together and organized.

Another benefit is being able to go back and look at your money affirmations at a later date once you have achieved them.

Check out the affirmation journals below and grab you one!

3. Read Your Money Affirmation 5 TO 10 Times Every Morning And Night

Visualize the amount of money you want to attract
Photo by cottonbro on

As you read your money affirmation, close your eyes and visualize yourself receiving that amount of money in your bank account.

Create a movie in your mind and visualize different scenarios of you receiving the money.

Ask yourself how it will impact your life, your families life and your community.

Focus on the emotions you feel when you see yourself receiving your blessing.

Repeating your affirmations over and over again trains your brain to see and feel moments as if they were really happening.

It also activates the left prefrontal cortex of your brain. That part of your brain is responsible for helping you figure out how to turn your goals into a reality.

4. Create A Vision Board

Select pictures that reflects your dream lifestyle once you make the money you want to manifest.

Choose pictures of different activities you will do and the different places you will go.

Seeing yourself living the lifestyle you want makes it easier to believe that it can and will happen.

5. Ask Yourself Questions

Throughout the day ask yourself what actions you can take to attract the amount of money you wrote down in your affirmation.

For example, if you want to make $1000 per day, periodically ask yourself throughout the day what actions you can take to make $1000 per day.

Consistently asking yourself questions, triggers your brain to start thinking about ways to make it happen.

6. Take 1- 2 Actions Toward That Goal Everyday

When your brain responds to your questions by giving you suggestions, make sure to write them down and take action.

Whether it’s a small action or big action, just make sure you do something.

In many instances, people know what they want, but they never take any action to get there.

Do not be that person.

One way to hold yourself accountable is every night write down 1- 2 actions you did that day.