Control Your Emotions

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“When You react you let others control you”

Have you ever been in a situation where you could not control your emotions?

If so, you’re not alone.

I have been in many of those situations.

I believe it is important to realize when we have messed up and allowed our emotions to get the best of us.

The only way we can truly get better is to accept when we could’ve done something different.

Controlling our emotions takes practice.

I believe whenever we make a choice to not care about the outcome of the situation, it is when our emotions take over.

On the journey to self-mastery, it is very important to understand where our emotions are taking us before we get there.

It’s like using a physical GPS while driving.

Our GPS lets us know if there is traffic or construction going on that may hinder us from getting to our destination.

Similarly, we have to use our “internal GPS” to let us know when we are headed in the wrong direction and take heed to what it is telling us.

For example, if our physical GPS told us to go in a different direction because of disruptions up ahead, most likely we would follow the new route.

However, many times in our emotional life, we know we are headed in the wrong direction and still allow ourselves to travel down the road of no return.

We have to practice daily on staying strong in those moments and staying focus on controlling our emotions.

What are some things you do to help control your reactions and emotions?