Launch Day | 30-Day Scripting Manifestation Challenge


Gathering your material

Today the focus is gathering everything you need to start your scripting journey.

This is a very important part of the process and will set you up for success and set the foundation of your 30-day scripting journey.

Here’s what you will need:

A Journal

notebook opened on desk near books

You will want a blank journal or one where you only write your goals, dreams, and intentions. Having a specific journal for manifesting is ideal because not only can you look back and track your progress on your manifestation journey, but it also sets the intention that everything you write in your journal has a positive outcome in mind.

You want this journal to feel special and feel good in your hands. It could be a simple notebook, a fancy journal, or any other type of book that feels right. Or it can either be a stack of papers stapled together.

It’s all about the intention that you set for the journal.

We don’t want a journal that holds negative feelings, like old diaries or journals used to write down negative thoughts.

This is a very important part of the journey that many people overlook, but it is very important.

You want your journal to be full of positive energy and positive vibes. Everything you will write here will be a positive reflection of the life you are creating. No negativity is allowed.


You will want to pick up a few of your favorite pens or pencils, whichever you prefer.

You also need to be intentional about the pen that you use.

Make sure it writes well and feels good to write with. Your pen is what brings your thoughts into the physical form and is a symbol of your journey.

You are taking the words and thoughts out of your mind and onto paper, so having a special pen is essential.

Action Step For Today

Find the perfect journal and writing utensil.

And if you can’t find one today, don’t feel rushed. We have a few days to go before we get into the actual writing of our script. So, take your time and find something that resonates with you.

That’s it for today! Watch for tomorrow’s email, where we will discuss scripting and how to use it.

Until then, have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

Stay Powerful,


BONUS ACTION STEP: Once you have found your perfect journal/pen, share a picture with us in the private Facebook group!

If you have not requested access to the Facebook Group, please do so here