9 Lottery Winners Who Used The Law Of Attraction And Won

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Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

If you are looking for some inspiration on your manifestation journey, you need to hear about these lucky lottery winners! The video below showcases nine individuals who used the law of attraction to manifest abundance and wealth into their lives. If you don’t have time to watch the video, I have summarized it below!

People have used the law of attraction to attract a lot of things into their lives. Jim Carey, for example, used it to attract wealth and success. Oprah Winfrey used the law of attraction to create her talk show. And then some people have used the law of attraction to win the lottery!

Here are nine stories of people who won the lottery using the law of attraction.

1 – Pearlie Mae Smith

Winnings: $429.6 Million

Pearlie Mae Smith, a mother of seven, credits “Divine Intervention” for one of the reasons she won the lottery in 2008. She says that the numbers appeared to her in a dream, and when she woke up the following day, she wrote them down and played the numbers. She found out that she had won the lottery within the next couple of days, to her surprise. Not only did she win, but she won the largest jackpot in Powerball history at that time.

After winning, to give back, Pearlie Mae and her family invested ten percent of her lottery winnings in buying a mansion to help others in the community. Since then, they have been giving back and spreading happiness, faith, and well-being.

By Smith and her kids having an underlying purpose of giving back to their community, it is clear that they intended to help others. By having this selfless intention, the law of attraction responded by giving her and her family an overwhelming amount of wealth so they could fulfill their purpose.

What can we learn from Pearlie Mae Smith?

The law of attraction will respond by giving you what you need to fulfill your purpose when you have a pure and selfless intention behind what you desire.

Watch Pearlie Mae’s interview below:

2 – Timothy Schultz

Winnings: $28 Million

Timothy Schultz of Iowa bought a lottery ticket that landed him a 28 million dollar jackpot! Schultz says that he had a dream of winning the lottery, so he took action the following day to purchase a Powerball lottery ticket. After Schultz bought the ticket, he said that he had a feeling that he was going to win.

He told people around him about his feeling, but no one took him seriously. But he was right! Schultz’s numbers were drawn a few days later, and he became a millionaire overnight.

What can we learn from Timothy Schultz:

It’s essential to listen to your intuition because it often guides you in the right direction. And when your intuition tells you something, take action!

Watch the video below to hear about Timothy’s experience of winning the lottery. He also has a YouTube Channel where he interviews other lottery winners.

3 – Lana Mckenzie

Winnings: $2.2 Million

Lana Mckenzie won 2.2 Million dollars playing in the Canadian BC Children’s hospital foundation lottery. She only had $33 in her account when she purchased the ticket. She played in the charity to help her sick son, whose kidney was failing.

Mckenzie claims that her grandmother was the one that told her she could make it happen if she visualized something positive. So, she started repeating the word “lottery” and telling people that she would win. In the next couple of days, she ended up winning.

What can we learn from Lana Mckenzie?

By having strong faith and repeating what you want, you can manifest it into your reality. Also, thinking positively about what you want to attract and speaking with confidence that you will get it plays a big part too.

Watch the video below for Lana’s interview with past lottery winner Timothy Schultz.

4 – Neal Wanless

Winnings: $232.1 million

Neal Wanless manifested $232.1 million. He claims he purposely did a couple of things when playing the lottery.

The first thing was purchasing his ticket in Winner, South Dakota. Wanless believed the city’s name, “winner,” increased his chances of winning.

Next, he chose the number of people’s birthdays who meant a lot to him.

Wanless is an excellent example of someone who won the lottery and used it to better himself and others around him. After winning, Wanless decided to live a simple life. He still drives his old truck and lives in the same house.

What can we learn from Neal Wanless?

Being organized and purposeful about what you put into the universe can directly reflect what you bring into your life.

Watch Neal Wanless’s interview below.

5 – Cynthia Stafford

Winnings: $112 Million

Cynthia Stafford won $112 million in lottery winnings. She chose the first two numbers of her birthday, 11, and then repeatedly typed the number $112,000,000. Stafford also meditated on her winning and repeated it daily.

Another thing Stafford claims is that she slept with the paper under her pillow. She said she went to sleep thinking about her winning the lottery. In the end, she won the exact amount of money she wrote down. The exact amount!

What can we learn from Cynthia Stafford?

Writing down what you want and then putting it under your pillow can use the power of your subconscious mind to help manifest it into reality. Also, having a clear vision of what you want and repeating it increases your chances of achieving it.

Check out her interview below:

6 – Melodia Harris

Winnings: $745 Thousand

Harris won 745k in the lottery after buying a lottery ticket in Georgia. She credits her winning the lottery by expecting the victory of winning, visualizing herself winning, and knowing that she wanted to help her community.

What can we learn from Melodia Harris?

Trusting in what you want and knowing that it will happen, you increase your chances of achieving it. Also, by giving back to your community, you are helping others and yourself.

Watch Melodia Harris’s interview:

7 – The English Man

Winnings: $4.8 Million

The English man is an anonymous winner who credits his winnings to visualizing himself winning for years. He says that he imagined himself winning it and how it would come to him. It took him ten years, but he finally won it.

What can we learn from The English Man?

By being specific with what you want and visualizing, you increase your chances of achieving it. Also, you are more likely to achieve it by having faith and trusting that it will come to you.

8 – Elwood “Bunky” Barlett

Winnings: $82.5 Million

Elwood won an $82.5 million lottery ticket after he claims he visualized how his day-to-day life would be. He imagined what type of house he would live in and how he would spend his money.

He was one of four Mega Million winners and walked away with $32.6 million after taxes.

What can we learn from Elwood “Bunky” Barlett?

Visualize how you would live your life when you receive your manifestation. Get specific with what you want. What type of car would you drive? Where would you go to lunch? Asking yourself those questions is the quickest way to tap into the feelings that will bring your desire into reality.

9 – Shane Missler

Winnings: $451 Million

Shane Missler won the lottery at only 20 years old, the youngest Mega million winner ever at the time. He claims that having a positive mindset and knowing that he was deserving of the money was one of the ways he manifested his winnings.

What can we learn from Shane Missler?

Having a positive mindset about your life and knowing that you deserve what you want to attract in your life is the best way to tap into your power.

Watch the news coverage of Shane Missler’s win:

The Takeaway

One of the other main things to takeaway is that each winner took action and bought a lottery ticket. They would not have won if they did not have that one small action.

Whenever you are manifesting something, and you have a slight, nagging feeling to take action on it, do it! It might be the one thing that brings your manifestation to you.

And lastly, have fun with it! The law of attraction is a powerful tool, and it’s meant to be used for good. So use it in a way that feels good to you and watch as your life changes for the better.

Please share this article with your friends and family if you enjoyed this article! And if you have any stories of your own of using the law of attraction to manifest something, we would love to hear them in the comments below.