A Unique Way To Use The Last Quarter Moon on Your Manifestation Journey

Moon Phases

The Last Quarter Moon is that perfect time to hit pause, think things over, and prepare for a fresh start.

Imagine it as a friendly nudge from the universe to help you along your manifestation journey.

Let’s harness this energy to bring your dreams to life, using a relatable goal like losing 15 pounds over the next six months.

1. Decide on what you’re manifesting

Begin by defining a clear goal. Think about the one specific thing you said you wanted to manifest during the previous new moon.

For example, let’s say your vision for your physical body is to be super fit by the end of next year. So, you are specifically manifesting losing 15 pounds within the next three months.

2. Reflect on Your Progress

Take a moment to reflect on your recent efforts in whatever you are manifesting. List out everything that is going good and everything that is going bad.

So, returning to our example of losing weight, you could ask yourself, “How are things going with your weight loss journey? Are your daily habits supportive of your goal?” This is your chance to see if your actions align with what you’re trying to manifest.

Good List

  • Still motivated to lose weight
  • I still have my gym membership
  • Taking the steps instead of the elevator

Bad List

  • Giving in to late-night cravings
  • Skipped workouts
  • Not tracking calories

3. Identify Your Roadblocks

Next, look deeper into what’s been holding you back and why. It’s important to be honest with yourself so that you can release the things that are holding you back.

Example Roadblocks of someone manifesting weight loss

  • “I have to eat to fall asleep.”
  • “I get up late, and I rush to work.”
  • “Too busy to keep tracking calories.”

4. Craft Positive Solutions

For every roadblock, brainstorm creative ways to overcome it.

Example Solutions:

  • Eat healthy snacks at night to fall asleep.
  • Go to bed earlier.
  • Eat the same thing throughout the week

5. Prepare for the New Moon

The new moon appears about a week after the last quarter moon. So, as the New Moon approaches, revisit your intentions to ensure they truly reflect your desires.

Keeping a personal intention bank—an intention list—ready can serve as a helpful reminder of your goals.

Example Intentions:

  • “I’ll buy healthy snacks every Monday.”
  • “I’ll wake up at 6 in the morning.”
  • “I’ll make the same food every day.”

6. Let Go and Welcome Change

For all of the bad habits you wrote down on your list, consider doing a release ritual to invite new opportunities. This can be a powerful way to overcome obstacles.

By tapping into the energy of the Last Quarter Moon, you’ll find it easier to manifest your goals as the New Moon arrives.

Remember, your journey is all about personal growth and transformation. Embrace each phase with an open heart and a willingness to evolve, and watch your dreams start to become a reality.