Nine Reasons To Sleep With A Bay Leaf Under Your Pillow

Bay leaves under pillow

Since ancient Greece, people have kept bay leaves under their pillows to promote intuition and health. If you are on a manifestation journey or just exploring the spiritual benefits of bay leaves, here are nine benefits of keeping a bay leaf under your pillow while sleeping.

1. It gives you prophetic dreams

Various cultures worldwide have used bay leaves to have prophetic dreams. Before you fall asleep, ask that your dreams show you what you need to know. Then, allow yourself to drift off into a restful sleep. In the morning, write down any goals or impressions you had during the night. Be sure to keep a journal near your bed so that you can record your dreams as soon as you wake up.

2. Protects you from having bad dreams or nightmares

Not only can bay leaves help you to have prophetic dreams, but they can also protect you from bad dreams and nightmares. If you are prone to having nightmares, keeping a bay leaf under your pillow can help to reduce its occurrence. The bay leaf will help to block out negative energy and promote positive dreaming. Before going to sleep, remind yourself that the bay leaf protects you, and the good ones will replace bad dreams.

3. Aids in lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness in which you are aware that you are dreaming. This type of dreaming can be very beneficial as it allows you to explore your subconscious mind and better understand your true nature. Keeping a bay leaf under your pillow can help you achieve lucidity in your dreams. As you drift off to sleep, focus on the bay leaf and visualize it glowing with a bright white light. Doing this will help raise your vibration and achieve a higher state of consciousness. In the morning, review your dreams and look for any signs that you were dreaming lucidly.

4. It helps you wake up feeling refreshed

Many people wake up feeling tired and groggy, even if they have had a good night’s sleep. If you feel like that, it can be due to negative energy absorbed during the night. Keeping a bay leaf under your pillow can help to cleanse your aura and protect you from negative energy. As you sleep, the bay leaf will help to filter out any negative vibrations and promote positive energy flow. In the morning, you should wake up feeling refreshed and energetic.

5. Eases stress and anxiety

If you are struggling with stress or anxiety, keeping a bay leaf under your pillow can help to ease your symptoms. The calming properties of the bay leaf will help to soothe your mind and reduce your anxiety. As you sleep, the bay leaf will help to release any negativity causing you stress and allow you to wake up feeling more relaxed.

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6. Protects your energy while you sleep

When you sleep, your energy body is vulnerable to negative energy. This can be because your body is at rest, and your energy is not as protected. Keeping a bay leaf under your pillow can help to shield your energy while you sleep. The bay leaf will help deflect any negative energy that comes your way and keeps your energy body safe. You should feel well-rested and refreshed in the morning, with no lingering effects from negative energy.

7. Helps with insomnia

If you have insomnia, keeping a bay leaf under your pillow can help to ease your symptoms. The bay leaf’s calming properties will help relax your mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep. As you sleep, the scent of the bay leaf is said to help promote restful sleep.

8. Attracts luck and prosperity

Keeping a bay leaf under your pillow attracts good luck and prosperity. The bay leaf will help bring positive energy into your life and manifest your desires as you sleep. Many people believe that the bay leaf is a powerful luck charm. Be sure to keep your mind focused on your goals and intentions in the morning. Believe that you are worthy of abundance and that good things are coming.

9. It helps with manifesting your desires

If you are manifesting something, writing your wish on a bay leaf and putting it under your pillow is another way to help make your desires come true. As you sleep, the bay leaf will help connect you to your subconscious mind and the Universe.

A bonus is also burning a bay leaf with your wish written on it first thing in the morning. Doing this will help increase the power of your intention and expedite the manifestation process.

How To Do It

The only thing you need for this to work is your pillow and your bay leaf. Since the bay leaf is so powerful, you only need to fully believe in its ability to work and be open to receiving its benefits. It’s that simple.

What type of bay leaves to use?

There are many different types of bay leaves, but the most commonly used type is the California Bay Leaf. This type of bay leaf is known for its strong fragrance and healing properties. Other popular types of bay leaves include Indian Bay Leaf, Mediterranean Bay Leaf, and Sri Lankan Bay Leaf.

No matter what type of bay leaf you use, ensure you energetically feel connected to it. For some people, this may mean using a specific type of bay leaf that resonates with them. For others, it may simply be holding the bay leaf in their hands and setting the intention to receive its benefits.

Bay Leaf Ritual

Creating a ritual is the best way to get the most out of your bay leaf. It helps set your intention for the night and focus on your goal. Before bed, hold the bay leaf in your hand and take a few deep breaths. Visualize the bay leaf glowing with a bright white light. See the light filling your entire body and feel yourself becoming relaxed and calm.

Be specific with your intention and focus on what you want to achieve. As you hold the bay leaf, state your intention out loud. For example, you may say, “I intend to have a restful night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.” or “I intend to find solutions to my problems in my dreams.”

After you have set your intention, place the bay leaf under your pillow and fall asleep.

The bay leaf is an incredibly versatile and powerful tool you can use in various ways. Keeping a bay leaf under your pillow is excellent if you look for a natural way to improve your sleep, reduce stress, or attract good luck. Try it and see how the bay leaf can improve your life.

If you are looking for more way to use bay leaves on your journey, please check out this post on 30 Bay Leaf Manifestation Techniques to manifest your desires.