60 Heart Chakra Affirmations To Open Your Heart Chakra

Lady with hand over her heart reciting heart chakra affirmations

Heart chakra affirmations can help you experience more love and compassion in your life. The heart chakra is the center of love, and when it is balanced, we can give and receive love freely. We can also feel compassion for others and understand their suffering. If your heart chakra is blocked, you may find it difficult to trust others or feel loved. You may also be unable to forgive yourself or others.

Also, if you are on a manifestation journey having a balanced heart chakra is one of the quickest ways to assist in manifesting your desires and wishes. The more balanced you are, the easier it is to remove blockages, and the more you can open up to receiving what you want.

Feel free to copy and paste these heart affirmations and use them as often as possible. I will also have a couple of pictures below if you want to pin them on Pinterest for later!


60 Heart Chakra Affirmations To Balance The Heart Chakra

  • I am open to giving and receiving love.
  • I have compassion for myself and others.
  • I forgive myself and others.
  • I am open to trust.
  • I am loved.
  • I can give love freely.
  • My heart is open.
  • I am kind and loving to myself and others.
  • I fill my life with love.
  • Only love can enter my heart.
  • I let go of anger, resentment, and hatred.
  • I am peaceful and calm.
  • I am centered in my heart.
  • My heart is full of love.
  • Love surrounds me.
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  • I attract loving relationships into my life.
  • I send love out into the world.
  • The more I love myself, the more I love others.
  • As I open my heart, I find healing and peace.
  • An aura of love surrounds me.
  • The energy of love protects me.
  • Love is the only truth.
  • I choose love in every situation.
  • I am a being of love.
  • Love is who I am.
  • I am at peace.
  • I am free to be myself.
  • I approve of myself.
  • I like myself just the way I am.
  • I am worthy of love.
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  • I am lovable, just as I am.
  • It is safe for me to be open and vulnerable.
  • My heart is full of compassion.
  • I show understanding and kindness towards others.
  • I cherish close relationships.
  • I always choose to love myself first.
  • It is okay to put myself first.
  • I am sending love to all beings on Earth and will receive love back.
  • I am happy and free to love who I want.
  • I am grateful for the love in my life.
  • I cherish my loved ones.
  • I am kind and caring towards others.
  • My actions are motivated by love.
  • I live each day with an open heart.
  • I am grateful for the love in my life.
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  • I love those that love me unconditionally.
  • I choose to see the love in everything that surrounds me.
  • My actions are motivated by love.
  • I am connected to an infinite supply of love and happiness.
  • I open myself up to love.
  • I am ready to receive love.
  • I am deserving of love.
  • I forgive myself like I forgive others.
  • Love flows to me without hesitation.
  • I deserve to live a happy and loving life.
  • My heart is open to understanding others.
  • I forgive myself for mistakes in my past.
  • I treasure close relationships with people who love me for me.
  • In difficult times, I know that love will always see me through.
  • No matter what happens, love is always present.
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How To Use Heart Chakra Affirmations

Now that you have a list of heart chakra affirmations to use, here are five ways that you can use them daily in your affirmation practice.

  1. Say them out loud – The first way is to read them aloud. You can do this once a day or multiple times throughout the day.
  2. Write them down – Another way to use heart affirmations is to write them down. You can either write them in a journal or on some index cards that you can carry around with you.
  3. Make them into a visualization – If you like to visualize, you can close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by love. See yourself as being loved and loving others. Visualize your heart chakra as being open and free-flowing.
  4. Say them in meditation – You can also say these affirmations during meditation. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and repeat the affirmations to yourself.
  5. Repeat them during yoga – Yoga is another excellent time to say your affirmations. As you’re flowing through your yoga poses, take deep breaths and repeat the affirmations to yourself.

Heart Chakra Healing Music On YouTube

If you want to amplify your heart chakra affirmations, I suggest listening to a frequency that resonates with the heart frequency.

Here is a frequency that you can listen to to help open and balance your heart chakra.

The perfect combination is listening to heart chakra healing music while repeating heart chakra affirmations.

Listening to heart chakra healing music will help you connect to your higher self, and it will also help to open up your heart chakra.

As you listen to the sound, say the affirmations or repeat them in your mind. After repeating the affirmations, take deep breaths and feel the love energy entering your body.

Allow yourself to be open to receiving love, and let go of any fears or doubts about being worthy of love.

I love listening to it the first thing in the morning when I wake up. It sets the day’s tone and helps me stay focused on what’s important.

Create Your Heart Chakra Affirmations

One of the best ways to balance your heart chakra is to create your affirmations. Creating your affirmations allows you to personalize them so that they resonate more deeply with you.

Here are a few tips on how to create your heart chakra affirmations:

Make them specific to you

When creating your affirmations, make them specific to your situation. For example, if you’re working on releasing resentment towards someone, you can create an affirmation that says, “I release all resentments I have towards (person’s name).”

Keep them positive

It’s essential to keep your affirmations positive. For example, instead of saying “I will no longer be angry,” say “I am calm and at peace.”

Make them present tense.

Affirmations are most effective when they’re in the present tense. For example, instead of saying “I will love myself,” say “I love myself.”

Keep them short and simple.

It’s also important to keep your affirmations short and simple. Keeping it short makes them easier to remember and to say daily.

Other Heart Chakra Essentials

Heart Chakra Stone Set

Sets come with various heart chakra stones. Each stone has a different property that will help balance your heart chakra.

Heart Chakra Spray

This spray is made with essential oils known for their ability to open and balance the heart chakra.

Heart Chakra Candle

Heart chakra candles are made with a blend of essential oils known for their ability to open and balance the heart chakra.

Wrap up

In conclusion, heart chakra affirmations are a powerful tool that you can use to balance and heal your heart chakra. Get creative with how you use them, and personalize them so that they resonate more deeply with you.

And last but not least, don’t forget to listen to some heart chakra healing music while you’re saying your affirmations. This will help to amplify their power and effectiveness.

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A word from Shamonique

I hope you can use some of the above heart affirmations to help heal your heart chakra. Whatever journey you are on, healing the heart is one of the best ways to move forward and create lasting change in your life.

Specifically, it’s always best to start with a clear and open heart when manifesting. This will help you receive guidance from your higher self, and it will also allow you to attract more of what you desire into your life.

So if you’re working on manifesting something specific, make sure to say these affirmations with intention and see what comes through for you.

I hope you manifest everything that you desire!

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