A DIY Natural Toothpaste For Toddlers That Any Mom Can Make


Ever since becoming a mom, I’ve become very particular about what my daughter consumes. When she was little, she used to stare at me while I was brushing my teeth, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before she started asking me to let her brush her teeth too. I did not want to start her off with unhealthy store-bought toothpastes, so I decided to make it myself.

Why You Should Make Your Own DIY Natural Toothpaste For Your Toddler

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Making your own natural toothpaste for your toddler will eliminate chemicals like fluoride, sodium lauryl sulfate and the artificial colors and flavors that are put into commercial toothpaste. I like to be in control of what goes into her body and since this homemade toothpaste recipe only has three ingredients, it keeps me very happy and sane.

If you’re curious to know about the unhealthy ingredients that are found in toothpaste, you can check out this article that talks about the 12 ingredients to stay away from.

The Ingredients and Materials Needed

  • Virgin Unrefined Coconut Oil
  • Fine Sea Salt
  • Baking Soda
  • Essential oils (optional)
  • Glass jar with lid
  • Stickers and decorations

How To Make DIY Natural Toothpaste For Toddlers

  1. In a bowl combine the baking soda, coconut oil, and sea salt together
  2. Mix together well
  3. Pour into a small glass jar or a toothpaste tube (find it here)

I will not be using essential oils in my toothpaste because my daughter isn’t bothered by the taste. I also do not want her to swallow any of the essential oils in the toothpaste because I am not 100 % sure if she is spitting everything out. However, if you do choose to use essential oils in your toothpaste, there are many different variations to use.

Orange Flavored Natural Toothpaste

Cinamon Flavored Natural Toothpaste

Using your homemade toothpaste

Your toddler can dip their toothbrush into the toothpaste jar and brush as usual. You can also use something to scoop it out onto the brush. Or you can purchase a toothpaste tube to make it easier to squeeze out. If you do decide to dip and brush, make sure to rinse your toothbrush under hot water before and after brushing to help get rid of any germs.

FUN TIP: Decorate Your Homemade Toothpaste Jar

I bought stickers of Tamryn’s favorite cartoon and I let her decorate her jar of toothpaste. We also added little strings of bling to put around the jar. She had so much fun deciding how she wanted to decorate it and it looked really good when we finished.

Now it’s not guaranteed that your toddler will like this natural toothpaste because it does come without the sweet flavors, but it’s worth a try. It’s inexpensive to make and who knows, after decorating their jar, they may feel empowered to brush their teeth with it!

If you are looking for a natural toothpaste that you can buy without having to make it. Amazon has tons of natural toothpaste that you can use. I’ve listed five below that are natural and do not contain the chemicals that were listed above.