10 Steps to Embrace The Equinox with a Magical Bay Leaf Ritual


“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts

Isn’t it crazy that we are here preparing for the equinox? It shows how quickly this year has flown by and why it’s important to take a moment to appreciate the changing seasons.

The equinox is a time of balance and harmony when day and night are of equal length.

It marks the transition from summer to autumn in the northern hemisphere and from winter to spring in the southern hemisphere.

Whether you are entering the fall or spring equinox, this moment marks the perfect opportunity to set intentions for the upcoming season and express gratitude for the present.

Embrace this universal energy with a simple and powerful bay leaf ritual on your journey.

Materials Needed:

  • 10 Bay Leaves or enough to divide equally.
  • A pen or marker
  • Bay leaf holder
  • A fireproof bowl or cauldron
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A candle: Orange or yellow for fall, green or pastel for spring
  • Candle Snuffer (optional)
  • A bell or chime (optional)

Significance of the Ritual:

This ritual focuses on setting positive intentions and showing gratitude. It encourages you to recognize your current blessings and set goals for the new season, whether it’s harvest time or a renewal period.

Equinox Bay Leaf Ritual:

1. Create Your Sacred Space

Find a peaceful, comfortable area where you can focus without disturbances. Whether indoors or outdoors, make this space personal and meaningful to you.

2. Arrange Your Materials

Set up your items, placing the fireproof bowl in the center, with the candle and chime nearby.

3. Light the Candle

Light the candle, orange or yellow for fall to symbolize warmth and abundance, or green or pastel for spring to represent growth and renewal.

4. Ring the Bell (Optional)

If you have a bell or chime, ring it to signify the start of your ritual.

5. Ground Yourself

Take a few deep breaths to center your mind and connect with your intentions. If you’re looking for a grounding ritual for the equinox, you can find about a 30-minute equinox grounding meditation here.

6. Write Your Gratitude and Intentions

Write one thing you’re thankful for on each bay leaf and one intention you wish to manifest by the following equinox. Use one side for gratitude and the other for your intention, or separate leaves if preferred.

7. Visualize

Hold each bay leaf in your hands, visualizing the realization of your intentions and your gratitude for your current blessings. Focus on the contentment and happiness gratitude brings and the excitement and anticipation of achieving your intentions.

8. Burn the Bay Leaves

Carefully burn each bay leaf over your fireproof container. As each leaf burns, say aloud, “I am thankful for [your gratitude] this season, and I welcome in [intention].”

9. Reflect in Silence

Spend a few moments in silence, feeling gratitude for what you have and openness to what is coming. If inspired, write down any thoughts or emotions you feel during this time.

10. Close the Ritual

When ready, put out the candle and thank yourself for honoring the equinox.

Additional Tip:

Another thing you can do is write down something encouraging to yourself that you think you will need to hear on the following Equinox. Keep the bay leaf somewhere safe, like in a bay leaf gratitude jar, and read it on the next Equinox to remind yourself of your guidance.

This simple ritual can be a powerful tool for setting positive intentions and manifesting your desires. By writing down something encouraging, you reinforce positive self-talk and affirmations. Keeping the bay leaf in a jar adds an element of gratitude and appreciation for your self-guided guidance.

As you read your note on the next Equinox, take a moment to reflect on how far you have come in your journey and reaffirm your goals. This can help keep you motivated and focused as you continue working towards them.

Thoughts from Shamonique

The older I get and the more focused I become on manifesting everything I desire in my life, the more I appreciate aligning my intentions with the universe and being thankful for the moments it provides to us to tap into different energies.

The equinox is a powerful time to do this, symbolizing balance and harmony.

This ritual allows me to reflect on my blessings while setting future intentions. I hope this ritual is as fulfilling and brings you peace, gratitude, and abundance in the upcoming season.

So take some time out of your day, embrace this universal energy with a simple yet powerful bay leaf ritual, and enjoy the changing seasons ahead.

Let’s welcome it with open arms and minds filled with positive intentions.

Happy Equinox!

Share pictures of your Equinox bay leaf ritual by using the hashtag #ShamoniqueRituals on socials

Purchase Bay Leaves for your journey of transformation today! Visit ShopShamonique to explore our selection and embrace the magic in your rituals.

Set your intentions with us and discover the power of change.