60 Higher Self Affirmations For Inner Wisdom

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Photo by Eternal Happiness on Pexels.com

We all have inner wisdom, a source of guidance and support that can help us navigate life’s challenges. This inner wisdom is known as our higher self. When we connect with our higher self, we tap into a wellspring of intuition and intuition that can help us make better decisions and live more fulfilling lives. This blog post will discuss how to connect with your inner wisdom using higher self-affirmations!

What is your higher self?

Your higher self is your true identity.

The part of you that is connected to the Divine or Source. When you connect with your higher self, you tap into wisdom beyond the ego-mind. This wisdom can help you see things more clearly and make better decisions.

How can you connect with your higher self?

One way to connect with your higher self is through affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you can repeat to yourself to program your mind for success. When you repeat the affirmation, you create a new neurological pathway in the brain. This new pathway strengthens with each repetition and eventually becomes the default setting for your thinking.

Here are 50 Higher self-affirmations that you can use on your journey. Feel free to copy and paste these affirmations and share them with anyone who might benefit from them!

50 Higher Self Affirmations

  1. “I am connected to my higher self.”
  2. “I am in tune with my inner wisdom.”
  3. “My higher self is always guiding me.”
  4. “I trust my higher self.”
  5. “I listen to my higher self.”
  6. “My higher self knows what is best for me.”
  7. “I am open to guidance from my higher self.”
  8. “I follow my higher self’s guidance.”
  9. “My higher self is always with me.”
  10. “I am one with my higher self.”
  11. “My thoughts are in alignment with my higher self.”
  12. “I act following my higher self’s wishes.”
  13. “My emotions are in alignment with my higher self.”
  14. “I am living my highest truth.”
  15. “I am living my best life.”
  16. “My higher self is guiding me to my perfect life partner.”
  17. “My higher self is guiding me to my perfect career.”
  18. “I am following my Higher Self’s guidance and attracting abundance into my life.”
  19. “I am living in alignment with my Higher Self and attracting my ideal situation.”
  20. “I am connected to the infinite wisdom of the Universe.”
  21. “I trust the guidance of the Universe.”
  22. “My higher self will always guide me in the way I was destined to go.”
  23. “I am tapping into the power of my higher self.”
  24. “I am living my truth.”
  25. “I attract only positive and like-minded people into my life.”
  26. “My relationships are based on love, trust, and mutual respect.”
  27. “Everything I do is in alignment with my highest purpose.”
  28. “I am living my life with passion and purpose.”
  29. “I am following my heart’s desires.”
  30. “My intuition is always guiding me to the right path.”
  31. “I am making decisions from a place of love and compassion.”
  32. “I forgive myself for past mistakes and live in the present moment.”
  33. “I welcome all change in my life with open arms.”
  34. “I am grateful for all the good in my life.”
  35. “I am visualizing my ideal life and taking steps to make it a reality.”
  36. “I am surrounding myself with positive energy.”
  37. “I attract only positive circumstances and opportunities into my life.”
  38. “My higher self always appears to me in my dreams.”
  39. “I am open to guidance from my higher self through synchronicities.”
  40. “I am trusting the process of life.”
  41. “I know that everything happens for a reason.”
  42. “I am surrendering to the flow of life.”
  43. “I am grateful for this moment, just as it is.”
  44. “I live in the present moment and not dwell on the past or future.”
  45. “I am at peace with myself and everything around me.”
  46. “I love and approve of myself, just as I am.”
  47. “All is well in my world.”
  48. “I am safe.”
  49. “I am healthy and whole.”
  50. “An invisible shield of light surrounds me.”
  51. “Angels are watching over me and guiding me on my path.”
  52. “The universe is conspiring to support me in achieving my dreams.”
  53. “My needs are always met, in perfect and divine timing.”
  54. “I am worthy of love, abundance, and success.”
  55. “I am blessed beyond measure.”
  56. “Everything I touch turns to gold.”
  57. “My cup overflows with blessings.”
  58. “Prosperity is flowing into my life now.”
  59. “I open myself up to receive all the good that life offers.”
  60. “I am grateful for my many blessings.”

How To Use Higher Self Affirmations

Now that you have a list of affirmations to use for your journey, you may be wondering how to use them.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Write them out and hang them up in your home or office as reminders.
  • Put them on sticky notes and place them around your house or car.
  • Set a daily intention to focus on one affirmation throughout the day.
  • Recite them to yourself every morning or evening as part of your daily routine.
  • Record yourself saying them and listen to them on repeat. I believe this is one of the most effective ways to use affirmations because you get to hear them in your voice and it resonates better.
  • Use them in your meditation practice.
  • Create a vision board with images and words that reflect your affirmations.

Remember, these affirmations are powerful statements that can help to rewire your brain for success. The most important thing is to be consistent with using them. The more you use them, the more likely you will see results.

No matter how you choose to use them, make sure you say them out loud with conviction and believe them in your heart. When you do, you will begin to see positive changes in your life as you regularly connect with your higher self.

A Personal Message From Shamonique

Using affirmations to connect with your higher self is one of the most transformational things you can do for yourself. Through my daily affirmation practice, I was able to communicate with my higher self and start to realize precisely it was what I wanted.

Knowing what you want is so important when you are creating the life of your dreams.

If you are unsure of what you want, these higher self-affirmations can help to guide and inspire you.

I encourage you to try and see how they work for you. Remember to be patient and consistent with your practice, and most importantly, have fun with it!

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