Burning Bay Leaves To Manifest Wealth And Abundance

Bay Leaf Burning Ritual

If you are looking for a way to attract money, wealth, and abundance into your life, burning bay leaves is one of many bay leaf manifestation techniques you should try.

Bay leaves are full of magical properties and can assist you in attracting everything you desire. Performing a burning bay leaf ritual is super easy and very powerful.

What Will You Need?

If you do not have everything you need for your ritual, I’ve included everything you will need below! I would suggest purchasing your products online and getting them delivered to your home so you can start using this ritual as soon as possible 🙂

  • Manifesting Bay Leaves
  • Tweezers or scissors to hold the bay leaf while burning
  • A Lighter
  • Black Sharpie or pen
  • A fireproof bowl
  • Candles (optional)

There are many ways that you can burn your bay leaf. I suggest coming up with a ritual or routine that resonates with you. The most important part is ensuring you write down what you want to attract on your bay leaf. Remember, you can attract whatever you want in your life, so do not be afraid to write down your wish.

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    Manifesting A Specific Amount Of Money By Burning Bay Leaves

    If you know the amount of money you want to manifest into your life, write that number down on your bay leaf. For example, if you need to manifest money to pay a bill or a down payment on a house, you should write that specific number on your bay leaf. As the bay leaf burns, think about the specific amount you wrote down and how much you will enjoy it when it manifests. You can also visualize seeing that number in your bank account or on a check. 

    Manifesting Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth By Burning Bay Leaves

    If you do not have a specific number or amount you are trying to manifest, write down a word or phrase expressing your desire. For instance, if you are looking for abundance in your life, write the word “abundance” down on your bay leaf. As the bay leaf is burning, visualize what abundance means to you. Think about how it will feel and how different your life will be when your wish comes true. 

    Writing On Your Bay Leaf

    Using a black sharpie when writing on your bay leaf is best. It makes it easier to see what you are writing and won’t rub off. However, you should choose what color resonates with you. Maybe you have a favorite pen that you love to write with. If so, choose that pen. Also, picking a color that connects with what you’re manifesting can help too.

    If you decide to use any oils in your ritual, rub the bay leaf with the oil after you write on it.

    Burning Your Bay Leaf 

    After writing your wish or your intention onto your bay leaf, the next step is to burn it. 

    Take a pair of scissors or tweezers and hold your bay leaf at the corner. With the opposite hand, take your lighter and burn your bay leaf. 

    Make sure to hold your bay leaf over your fireproof bowl just in case some ashes fall off. I like to use an abalone shell to catch my ashes.

    As you burn your bay leaf, think about what you are manifesting. Listen to the burning of the bay leaf and think deeply about what you want to manifest. 

    What To Do With Your Bay Leaf Ashes After Burning It

    Release in the wind – After burning your bay leaf, you can blow the ashes into the wind. This signifies that you allow the universe to do what it needs to and freely accept whatever comes to you. 

    Bury it – Bury your bay leaf in the ground outside. Give thanks to the bay leaf by returning it to mother nature and back to the cycle of life. You can also bury the ashes with a plant in your home to always think about your wish when you see and water your plant.

    Throw it away – If you want to throw it away, you can do that too. Throwing it away signifies that you are releasing, letting go, and allowing the universe to take over.

    There is no right or wrong way of discarding your bay leaf ashes. It’s up to you to decide what feels good to you.

    What YOU Should Do After Burning Bay Leaves

    Let Go and Release  – After you burn your bay leaf, allow yourself to let go of what you are manifesting and allow the universe to do its part. Rest assured in knowing you put your intentions out to the universe and it will be answered in due time. 

    Have Fun – Enjoy yourself. Take some time to practice self-care and bring joy into your life. Raising your vibrations will help bring good things into your life.

    Write Down Your Ideas – After burning your bay leaf, you may have an idea come to you, or something may pop into your mind that wasn’t there before. Write it down! Those random ideas and thoughts may be the answer to assist you in manifesting what you wrote down on your bay leaf.

    Listen To Your Intuition– Make sure to listen to the little voice that may come to you during the day and maybe in your dreams. The universe has so many ways to connect with you, so be on the lookout for any signs that may appear to you. For example, if you are big into numerology, pay attention to any numbers that may appear after burning your bay leaf. If you haven’t discovered the benefits of numerology, I highly suggest you get a free personalized numerology report.

    Remember that blessings come in many different forms. You may ask for $50 instead of getting that money in your bank account; it may come to you in another form. For example, if you go out to eat and your tab is $50, and someone decides to pay for your meal, that could be your wish manifesting.

    Always remember to stay positive after burning your bay leaf. Believe that you already have what you wish for and deserve to receive it. Believe that it is possible. 

    Your wishes will come true!


    You deserve the life that you see yourself having.

    It is up to you to use the Universe to get what you deserve.

    Since You are a part of the Universe, You are allowed and welcome to use it to get what You want.

    There are so many different ways that you can manifest greatness in your life. It all starts with having an open mind, taking action, and executing to create the life you want.

    If you want to speed up your manifestation time with bay leaves, here are ten bay leaf rituals to try.

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